Cash Improvement Proposals
Cash Improvement Proposals (CHIPs) are documents that record proposals to upgrade the Bitcoin Cash protocol, and their ongoing progress, both technical and consensus-building.
Title | Last updated | Consensus | Activated | Tags |
CHIP-2021-03-Bigger-Script-Integers | 2021/06/09 | Yes | No | Script |
CHIP-2021-02-Add-Native-Introspection-Opcodes | 2021/06/03 | Yes | No | Script |
CHIP-2021-05 Minimum Fee Rate Voting Via Versionbits | 2021/05/31 | No | No | Mempool-policy,Fee policy |
CHIP-2021-05-loops: Bounded Looping Operations | 2021/05/29 | Yes | No | Script |
CHIP-2021-01-PMv3 | 2021/04/30 | Yes | No | Script,Transactions |
CHIP-2021-02-Group-Tokenization-for-Bitcoin-Cash | 2021/04/27 | Yes | No | Tokens,Transactions |
CHIP-2021-03-12 Multiple OP_RETURNs for Bitcoin Cash | 2021/03/26 | No | Yes | Transactions |
CHIP-2021-01 Restrict-Transaction-Version | 2021/03/16 | Yes | No | Transactions |
CHIP-2021-01 Allow Transactions to be smaller in size | 2021/03/16 | Yes | No | Transactions |
Unconfirmed Transaction Chain Limit | 2021/03/08 | No | Yes | Mempool-policy |
No CHIP matched the selected tags.